Who’s In

If you’re curious who you will be spending your fun-filled weekend with, just take a peek at the list below! If you see an asterisk (*) beside your name, this means we have not yet received your payment. Please make sure to have your payment sent before the registration deadline of June 8th, 2018.

Lorraine Rondeau Lorraine
Diane Rondeau Lorraine
Mel & Colette Fischer Lorraine
Monte & Lynne Stewart Lorraine
Marcel & Darlene Rondeau Lorraine
Terence Rondeau & Sherilyn Nontell (*) Lorraine
Brendan Rondeau & Jeela Maniapik (*) Lorraine
Deondra Rondeau & Cory Verpy and Aryia Verpy Lorraine
Irene Rondeau Lorraine
Carrie O’Brien Annette
Joe & Donna Ross Annette
Steve, Lyann and Wesley Lamb Annette
Gerald & Jeanine Préfontaine Claude
Mario, Megan, Gaston and Novalee Préfontaine Claude
Daniel & Linda Préfontaine (*) Claude
Josh Préfontaine (*) Claude
Eli Préfontaine (*) Claude
Lisette Préfontaine & Pierre Tinant Claude
Patrick Tinant Claude
Arianne Tinant & Taylor Shamry Claude
Berthe Denis Claude
Roxanne, Michael and Zoéline Schulte (*) Claude
Monique Préfontaine & Brian Cook Claude
Rémi Labrecque & Valentine Bourgeois, Pénélope and Jérôme Labrecque Claude
Chantal Labrecque & Jon Lautermilch, Mattéo and Kai Lautermilch Claude
Fabien & Aggie Fréçon Claude
Aurey, Josée, Riley, Brycen and Beau Fréçon Claude
Rhéanne, Tyler, and Nadia Dekeyser Claude
Malcolm & Edith McMinn Edith
Adele Stanford Edith
James Stanford Edith
Erin, Miyo, and Kai Koura Edith
Jo-Ann Gingras Edith
Jennifer Stewart-Mitchell, Taylor and Micaela Mitchell Edith
Claudette Gingras & Harry Webb Edith
Deanna Banman Edith
Sheldon & Teighan Loyer Edith
Jackie Gingras Edith
Desiree Gingras Edith
Gisele Préfontaine Clement
Nathaniel Couture Clement
Christine Heinrichs & Ryan Preston and Emerson Preston Clement
Estelle Ross Estelle
Rob & Brenda Ross Estelle
Jarred Ross & Amanda Williams and Maverick Ross and Kytara DeoCampo Estelle
Mitchell, Amanda, Nathan and Liam Ross Estelle
Mark Ross Estelle
Nicole Ross Estelle
Marguerite Préfontaine Gilbert
Denis & Debbie Fréçon Gilbert
Kyron & Mandy Fréçon Gilbert
Dylan, Tarra and Elliot Fréçon Gilbert
Kendra Fréçon & Rob Prettie Gilbert
Albert, Colten and Tyson Préfontaine Gilbert
Yvon, Shivarya and Saisha Préfontaine Gilbert
Novelene and Caitlyn Martin Marguerite
Robert Préfontaine & Lorna Johnson Robert
Victor & Pat Préfontaine Victor
Roger Préfontaine Victor
Lise Préfontaine Victor
Eric Bolen & Ryan Ricketts Victor
Toby, Tanya, Victoria, Grace and Gabe Préfontaine Victor
Donna Préfontaine Raymond
Mathieu, Melissa and Olivia Préfontaine Raymond
Simon Préfontaine, Cindy Doyon, Scott Falardeau and Henry Préfontaine Raymond
Céline Préfontaine & Darryl Brouwer and Mila Brouwer Raymond
Denise Charlton Denise
Geoff Wilkins & Michelle Mackness Denise